

English日本語(Japanese)文字(letter)理由(reason)出典・備考(source & remark)
closed set 閉集合 F → F_σ set
content (of a polynomial) (多項式の)内容/容量 I [独(de)] der Inhalt
field K [独(de)] der Körper
neighborhood (= neighbourhood) 近傍 V [仏(fr)] voisinage (masculin, pl. voisinages)
ring A [仏(fr)] anneau (masculin, pl. anneaux)
sheaf (pl. sheaves) F [仏(fr)] faisceau (masculin, pl. faisceaux) 「層」はfaisceauの音訳.


English日本語(Japanese)文字(letter)理由(reason)出典・備考(source & remark)
boundary group (of chain complex) (鎖複体の)バウンダリ群(境界輪体群) B [独(de)] die Begrenzung
cycle group (of chain complex) (鎖複体の)サイクル群(輪体群) Z [独(de)] der Zyklus
F_σ set F_σ集合 F_σ [仏(fr)] fermé (adjectif, en: closed), [仏(fr)] somme (féminin, en: sum)
G_δ set G_δ集合 G_δ [独(de)] das Gebiet (en: domain), [独(de)] der Durchschnitt (en: intersection)
identity element 単位元 e [独(de)] die Einheit (en: unit)
identity matrix 単位行列 E →identity element
provability predicate 証明可能性述語 Bew [独(de)] der Beweis (en: proof), [独(de)] beweisbar (en: provable)
the field of rational numbers 有理数体 Q [英(en)] quotient
the halting problem 停止問題 K Kleene
the ring of (rational) integers (有理)整数環 Z [独(de)] die Zahl (pl. die Zahlen)
the (skew-)field of quaternions 四元数(斜)体 H Hamilton
2020/02/09 公開